"Paul Newman and his son, Mickey, operated a hardware store in a long frame building on this corner. Later he converted the Third Street part to be a garage and car sales (Newman Motor and Hardware Sales, 601 E. Third St.). They sold Krit and Brisco cars. He also had agencies for Pontiac, Ford and Chevrolet. After Mickey Newman's death, American Tire Company used the building. Epperson's Furniture rented the building from Hobart Development Corporation at one time after it had been extensively remodeled. It is now occupied by Nature's Way. In the rear of the building is the Hobart Beauty College (315 Center St.). Dick Wheaton briefly had his appliance store in this room. Apartments are upstairs."
Images (links open in a new window):
♦ The interior of Paul Newman's hardware store (undated, but probably circa 1907-1912).
♦ Directly behind the horse and carriage in this July 1947 photo, you can see the Newman store; note the vertical Chevrolet sign on the Third Street side of its façade.
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