Aerial and bird's-eye views that take in much or all of downtown Hobart at once.
♦ Looking north along the west side of Main Street, probably from a rooftop, July 4, 1876.
♦ A "birds eye" drawing of the little town of Hobart in 1877 (the artist either had a good imagination, or ascended in a hot-air balloon to get that view).
♦ A 1901 bird's-eye view of downtown, probably taken from atop the old water tower on New Street, looking west.
♦ Apparently August Haase climbed up in the Strattan building's curtain loft to bring us this bird's-eye view looking north along the west side of Main Street. (In the distance you can see the smokestacks of the brickyard.) In another view from the same vantage point (perhaps taken on the same day?), Mr. Haase pointed his camera a little more toward the west. He even took a shot pointing his camera south. None of the images is dated, but they probably were taken circa 1907-1913.
♦ Some brave photographer balanced his camera on the edge of the Strattan building's roof to take this photo of Third Street, looking east from Main, circa 1889-1910.
♦ Another view from the roof of the Strattan building, this time from its south side looking east, circa 1910. In the distance you can see the high school and the original Methodist church building on Fourth Street.
♦ Up on the New Street water tower again, looking west, circa 1907-1917.
♦ A circa-1917 bird's-eye view of downtown that was probably taken from the roof of the Barnes ice house, looking east across Lake George.
♦ A 1939 aerial view of all of downtown Hobart, including the streetcar line west of downtown.
♦ An aerial view of downtown from the southeast, probably circa 1954. The old high school is in the foreground.
♦ An aerial view northeast of downtown, undated but evidently from 1958 or later, since the new Augustana Lutheran Church is already standing. (Cleveland Avenue moves up from the lower right corner and intersects with Hwy. 130 about halfway up the right side; the diagonal line moving down from the upper left corner is the EJ&E railroad.)
♦ Downtown from the north, circa 1953-1963; from the same time frame (maybe even the same day?), another view, this time from the northeast.
♦ A view of downtown from the southwest, circa 1959, highlights the then newly-built high school in the foreground; the town's second water tower is visible just left of center, next to the Nickel Plate tracks; and toward the upper left you can see the smokestacks of the brickyard.
♦ A broad but remarkably detailed view of downtown from the southeast, circa 1954-1963.
♦ Looking east toward downtown from the air over the residential area west of Lake George, circa 1954-1963.
♦ An aerial shot in color, showing the west part of downtown; undated, but evidently 1968 or later, since the new library has been built.
♦ Downtown from the air circa 1971. We are looking at Main Street from just north of the Nickel Plate Railroad tracks; the new city hall is in the foreground, just left of center.
♦ A bird's-eye view of Main Street looking north from Fourth, undated but I'm guessing maybe 1980.